Part 21: 11-1: Black Blood of the Earth, Part 1
Per your vote.

We get Iver to rank 8. We still haven't seen any of the amazing rank 10 items which is a bit frustrating. But We max out Iver's willpower.

Not a terribly difficult fight, but then again nothing is when you have Alette apparently.

Honestly I know I'm a little shy on battle screenshots, but there's not much to show. Horseborn run in. Get destroyed by Alette. Eventually I break ranks and finish them off. Yay.

He composes himself before saying, "You saved them! The families of Lundar are alive because of you." The old man's smile fades. "Our fighters are dead, and most of the grain stores are gone. Never thought I'd say this, but near two hundred of us would gladly follow you wherever you're going."
We have the option to refuse, but I can't imagine why we saved all of them only to consign them to starvation, so...

"We're used to hardships, have no doubt," the man says. "And here, to show my thanks."
We get an artifact (we'll see what it does next chapter) and also +120 supplies.
Ro'Ech, Derdriu, and Scathach catch the man's attention and he sneers. "Do these three belong to you? I reckon the people around here would pay good coin to see them gutted."

It's all you can do to keep Oddleif from arguing with the man. She storms off, muttering things best not repeated.

You look at Iver, wondering what is going on in his head.

Juno walks up to your group unexpectedly.

You watch the Valka as everyone moves on. She looks less confident than you've ever seen her before.

Whatever horrors await in the Old Wood, however, will need to wait. It's time for more Bolverk and the Ravens.

Alette's gonna catch her breath in Grundar for a little while.

And if you recall, when we last left Bolverk, he'd met Zefr and Nikels, a Valka and her apprentice, in Bindal. Zefr informed Bolverk that Juno was dead. Which, as y'all pointed out, isn't necessarily this great revelation since she certainly appeared dead to Hakon and Mogr once upon a time.

We're immediately given a scene of the Ravens wandering around in a snowstorm.

Which makes Bolverk angry. Everything makes Bolverk angry.

Or not.

And so we're immediately thrown into combat. No opportunity to reposition or level or anything. Just fighting. And Bolverk's group isn't nearly as strong as Alette's. The 2nd strongest fighter in the group is Krumr, and we weren't given him in this fight.
So we're going to rely a lot on Bolverk's "cull the weak" to thin out the enemy ranks a bit.

Here, Bolverk got surrounded by stalkers--they're invisible and don't unstealth when you trip over them. But since they're pretty clearly dead-set on attacking him, I use Bear Rage so that he'll counterattack anything.

Which means this stalker eats double 6 strength hits when it hits Bolverk.

Folka's champion is pretty important to keep Bolverk from getting maimed. At full strength he's really good. The minute he starts taking strength damage he becomes a liability.

I'd been hoping to get more kills for Oli or Sparr, but it wasn't to be. Bolverk destroys all.

The silent appearance of the two menders surprises you.

The younger mender's eyes go wide as he stares at Claw and Fang.

Nikels' eyes light up.

A warhorn blares across the town. The army of dredge you suspected is real.

The young mender follows orders without question. Not a bad quality.

Zefr notices the silent exchange but does not question you.

Your irritation is rising when another war horn sounds. Two horns means a large force approaches.

We have the opportunity to mess around in town a bit, but it's not really worthwhile.

And the market doesn't have anything we want, either.

So we'll head to the barn.

What's in the cart?

Whatever it is, it's big.

And shocking.

And Bolverk doesn't like it.

Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.

You see a strange tower of white stone. Lightning. Fear. Confusion. Distrust. There is a wrongness about it all.

Her voice draws you from the dream and she's shaking you by the straps of your cloak. Everyone is watching. "Another dream?" she asks. Your eyes finally focus on hers.

The Valka pauses briefly before shrugging.

We will never be rid of Bellower.

Zefr looks at you and her face drops. She changes the topic.

Zefr's face hardens and the air around you thickens.

A growl begins in your chest, but Folka breaks the tension.

Without waiting for a response, Zefr hurries away.

The two of you reseal Bellower's cart.

The shieldmaiden follows you to the Ravens' post without another word.
Bolverk's not a good guy. Why play the hero?

"Faen idiots!" Folka screams. "Wrong time for any of that!" Your thoughts exactly. She looks at you. "What do you want to do?"

Folka's shoulders droop and she nods.

Oh, looting? Well that's good at least.

Screw the houses. We're going to check out the Great Hall.

You practically toss the man onto the snow-covered roof, and he slips a few times before making it under an eave. Time passes without any sign from him, but one of the Ravens warns you that a group is coming out the front. "Let's go!" you order, and all of you return to the Ravens' post, minus Mogun. A short time later, you're surprised by who approaches.

We'll see it momentarily. It's...not great. At least not in this caravan.

And so we head underground, with a shitload of civilians.

We're barely inside before things start going haywire, though.

Heading up the mine shaft is like swimming against a current. Frightened villagers push forward and you barely have room to get past the yox and cart.

The Ravens are a bunch of lunatics, but they're our lunatics.

Here's the problem with this item that Mogun stole. There's literally only 1 ranged fighter, Oli, in the whole caravan. And the only reason you'd really want to use him, since he doesn't get Puncture, is for his axe storm. Which means you'd never be using Armor Break with him. Then again, there's a break talent for puncture so maybe you could make him a poor man's archer with exceptionally high strength...
Let's check out our new additions.

Zefr is a Valka--a mender, but different from Eyvind.

Runic Gale is an interesting ability, but I don't particularly like its randomness. Her second ability that she gets at level 6 is amazing though.
She also mends. We know how that works.

And then there's Nikels, who is worse than Zefr in every way. Lower level, lower willpower (which means less mending), and the only skill he gets is mend.

Gudmundr is new too but I forgot to screenshot his stat page. He's a raidmaster, like Egil. Only with a lower armor base, unlike Egil. He sucks.

Anyway, we end up in batle and for whatever reason Folka calls attention to the Gloomwarden, ignoring the fact there are two stonesingers who can Umbrage the enemy up to insane strength levels.

This is a VERY tough fight.

So we'll open it by having Folka act as a tank, granting as much armor to her as we can. 20 armor is really good for a human!

The Gloomwarden casts thorns. Next dredge I attack in melee range will do some chip damage to me. Not a big deal.

Here's Zefr's Runic Gale in action.

We get 4 random spots that have bonuses. Unfortunately, we rolled 3 +3 willpower spots and 1 +3 armor spot. And the +3 armor spot is largely out of the way. Not great for this early in the battle.
Yes, btw, enemies can collect the powerups too.

Still, I guess it's better than nothing so Bolverk dashes forward to mess up the Gloomwarden.

The stonesinger immediately flees and starts casting umbrage.

So does his buddy. We're in a LOT of trouble.

Now this...this is more like it. It's not +3 strength, mind you. It's +3 strength DAMAGE per tile. You don't gain any more HP, as it were, but you become a lot more damaging.

Stonesinger 1 gets off his umbrage.

Bolverk maims the Gloomwarden thanks to his attack boost, right before it has a turn.


In earlier versions of this game, killing a stonesinger would remove umbrage. So we make the stonesinger a priority target. It doesn't work, though.

And Folka takes 7 armor damage while absorbing a hit that would've done 14 damage to Krumr.

Krumr takes out a scourge, but those slingers are still really strong.

Oli does some decent axe storm chip damage but it's not enough.

Folka's on her last legs, with her shield shattered. But she tanked the necessary hits so that Krumr could get off a full strength tempest.

The nice part about umbrage going off so much is that the enemy ends up with like no armor. Easy pickings for Bolverk.

We can't move fast enough to save Folka, though--poison damage from the stonesinger drops her right in the middle of PILLAGE! mode.

We get the last laugh, however.

But more big dredge arrive on the scene. We're in no shape to continue fighting, and we don't even get the option.

You turn and look at the grey sky, the snow, Bindal, and the dredge walking toward you. With a hefty swing, the timber snaps and rocks begin to fall. You drop the hammer and race down the shaft toward the light of the torches.

Nowhere to go but down.

Zefr's probably not real happy about our being a huge jerk.

So let's go see.

The Valka gives you the ghost of a smile.

You look around at the cave walls and back the way you came.

I'm not going to Manaharr with this many civilians and this few fighters. We train up 200 fighters from our stock of peasants. This also gives us 4 days of rest to get Folka back on her feet.

I've really been struggling with Folka this game and I don't know why. Anyway, I level her up. Maybe that will help?

Deeper. Darker.

Don't know what a lot of these events do; I've only played this once. We'll push ahead.
With large strides, you clamber over slick rocks and get in front of the others. You stop at the sight of long blades of pale grass blowing as if on a windy plain, but there is no wind. The sound is just like running water. "It's just up here!" a young man says, rushing past you.
Vines lash out like whips from beneath the grass and grab the man's legs, sinking thorns deep into his skin. You reach for him, but his body falls lifeless almost instantly. A few more cracks of the vines sound out down the row. "Get back!" you roar, and everyone obeys, falling back to the path.
"This is terrible," Zefr says, taking the deaths personally. "We should stick to the paths as much as possible. Too much can go wrong down here." The faces of those passing you are frightened.

Soon after, we have this encounter.
The man's sudden appearance makes you tense.

You scoff and turn away fromt he man only to see Gudmundr approach.

So...let's meet our new guy after we talk to Nikels.

The mender's face pales a bit.

Folka walks up and clamps a hand on one of Nikels' now sagging shoulders.

Nikels nods as you walk off.
Well, that was...honest, at least.

So...Dytch. The tracker. He has the same passive as Eirik and Rook which allows him to move in and out of allied units freely.
But the real attractive thing about him, besides the beard, is his "Track" special ability.
You know how stalkers can stealth? Now we have a unit that can do it too. And when he attacks from stealth, he ignores a portion of the enemy's armor. Meaning we can stealth him to block paths to steal enemy turns. Or we can sneak him up to someone and maim them with a 14 (11 strength + 3 exertion) damage strike. Maybe more if we crit.
Dytch is awesome, but needs a LOT of leveling up.

So we'll level him up a bit, as recruiting him unlocks a new training battle.

We have to pick up 4 runic gale powerups, and then backstab things to death 3 times. Not too hard given how many varl there are on the map that get in one another's way.

Piece of cake.

And now Dytch is level 5. On his way to 6, when he'll get Rally (like Eirik). You can use Rally from stealth, so Dytch can become a stealthed willpower battery.

Dytch is also super interested in some new woman in the caravan.

Not sure. Maybe there's a part two to this event?

We lose 44 clansmen.

To hell with it. I'm sure I know what this does...

Yeah that's about what I expected.

Meet the Vile Skulker, a tougher and varl-sized cousin to the regular skulker. Otherwise no real difference.

I should really level up Bersi or Sigbjorn, because Tempest is just outrageously strong.

Zefr falls (4 day injury) in this battle when she gets swarmed by invisible skulkers.

On the whole, though, it's pretty easy.

We'll camp for a bit to get Zefr's strength back. She doesn't need strength, but she at least needs to not die in 1 hit.
<Cutting here because of character limits on SA>